
Are you feeling overwhelmed in your journey?

Are you feeling overwhelmed in your fertility journey?


I recently was speaking with a new client. I always start with an in-depth assessment appointment planning their starting strategy for their fertility plan.


She shared one of her fears with me…

“I was scared of telling you all the messy truths about my situation, that you would judge me or it would be an overwhelming amount of work for me to do.”

She wants to get pregnant and she is serious about fixing her health and preparing her body… but she is already overwhelmed and was scared I would overwhelm her more.

Look, we ALL have things we can do to prepare to conceive and to help our fertility. And she is no different than you or me.

To make progress and sustainable improvements we gotta meet you where you are at.

Not a quick fix. Not a generic plan.

Back in the day, when I was battling fertility struggles I tried those. They don’t work.

What you need is a strategy that can work for you and your “messiness” while getting results.

I get it though, I have felt so broken, so messy, so confused in my health and fertility journey. And I had to be brave to get out of my comfort zone and move out of that overwhelm…

But when I started working step by step and had my priorities in place that is when the magic happened.

And that is one of my biggest jobs with my clients, is helping them understand that they are not broken, they are not a burden…

But a beautiful, perfect, messy human that needs the right support for their goals.