

Words of Praise from Valued Clients

"I contacted Crystal after being diagnosed with P.O.T.S. I had been regularly seeing a cardiology specialist, a neurologist and my PC physician and had been taking medications "that were the best treatment" for my alarming symptoms. However, after 8 months of treatment I was actually getting worse.
Crystal's recipes were delicious and she gave me lots of support. 5 months after my initial detox with Crystal I am not only completely medication free but I was able to climb a lighthouse that was 177 very steep steps with no dizziness, loss of breath or heart palpitations that would cause me to pass out before starting my detox journey!"

- Sarah Veitel

" For years I have battled with weight issues, PCOS, fatigue, and the list goes on.  My Acupuncturist highly recommended Crystal and she is exactly what I have been looking for all of these years.  Healing the body from the inside is truly the only way to get healthy and for years doctors have pushed prescriptions on me.  I have learned so much and benefited from Crystal, it is a world that I never knew existed.  I am so every thankful for Crystal and her wealth of knowledge.  Finally I am starting to see results from the right approach to healing my body and that is priceless needless to say.  So a HUGE THANK YOU to you Crystal! 🙂 "


"Crystal is the most knowledgeable nutritionist I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. She walks her talk and her recipes are amazing. I refer my friends and clients to her, she lives for helping people turn around their health. If your gut keeps acting up / if you have skin issues you can not figure out / if you are dealing with chronic pain or fatigue, give her a call. (allergies, headaches, foggy brain - etc) Dont wait. Life does not wait. With her help, you will tackle it."

-Shelly B

" Working with Crystal has been a huge answer to prayer. I had been meeting with typical PCPs for 6 years who always tried to push painkillers and drugs on me to help me with my migraines, but never tried to get to the root of the issue. In December of 2015, after 2 months of debilitating migraines and spending at least one day per week in bed with the pain, I became so frustrated with the lack of support and answers I had been finding through western medicine. A friend referred us to Crystal, who has been a lifesaver.

I was afraid that I would wandering down another path towards addressing my migraines that would yield in more mysteries and a lack of clarity and I wasn't sure if I could take more disappointment. It has been exactly the opposite, I feel so much hope and have a clear plan to find healing.

She was so patient and encouraging from the very start: listening to my concerns and trusting that I knew my body and that something deeper was wrong. She coached me through diet and lifestyle changes, as well as nutritional and hormonal testing. The material she put together and the coaching and support she provided along the way were instrumental in helping me stick to these difficult changes. The recommendations she has made have produced great improvements in my health, and it's the first time in years I feel in control of my health and wellness. I enthusiastically recommend Crystal as a functional nutritionist, plus her recipes are amazing!"

-Heather J

"The materials you put together are SO comprehensive and in-depth. I am still referring back to them and being reminded of things I let slip away. It my very treasured binder of health now and I will keep it forever and refer back often for the many tasty recipes."

"Crystal is so knowledgable about supplements and can tailor her recommendations to your body and situation. She gave me confidence that I was taking the right supplements and vitamins for my body while trying to conceive. It turns out the prenatal I was taking before my consultation with Crystal wasn't the best option! With the results of genetic testing, she was able to recommend a complete supplement plan tailored to my exact needs. Once pregnant, I didn't need to worry about changing anything!"

-Rachel K

"While working together over the past 4 months, my stomach and digestion issues have greatly improved after suffering from constipation, diarrhea and bloating. I have also lost 8 pounds. I have enjoyed your accessibility, flexibility and all the extra guidance through the handouts and materials you have provided me."

-Laura B

"Crystal has been a life saver! I suffer from a chronic autoimmune disorder and keeping up with my own diet, as well as keeping my family well fed, was so stressful that I was unable to heal. Crystal was very familiar with my widely varying and erratic diet restrictions. I didn't have to explain anything! She handles all aspects of cooking my food, from planning to grocery shopping to cooking to cleaning up. Since she has started helping me, I am feeling better than I have in over 5 years. Her cooking is nourishing, balanced, and delicious. Unquestioningly recommended!"

-Erin M

"Thank you, Crystal. My daughter really enjoyed shopping and cooking with you and appreciated your gentleness.  The meals you made are fabulous, and it was priceless for me to get ready to leave for a week long class without having to shop and cook on top of everything else. Thank you so much!"

-Heather W

“As someone who has endured her own health challenges, Crystal is a role model to her clients, has immense compassion and can relate to her clients’ goals and difficulties, which I find to be a critical element for any health practitioner.”

-Megan N

"Crystal has been cooking for me for a few weeks now as I am battling cancer and am unable to do so myself.  I also have several food allergies and dietary restrictions I must follow outlined by my naturopath to aid my healing.
I met with Crystal and we discussed my health issues, the diet I am on which is the Paleo diet, and my husband’s food preferences.Crystal met this difficult challenge with flying colors and has created the most delicious, colorful, healthy meals for us both.  Her main dishes, side dishes, salads are delicious and satisfying.  I especially love her soups!

I find Crystal to be an excellent Natural Chef. She is very knowledgeable and professional.  She knows how to cook to accommodate anyone with allergies and health challenges to modify their diet to aid the healing process.  I was impressed by this alone.  She is open to any ideas and suggestions I may have for menu choices.  She also leaves my kitchen spotless which means a lot to me.

Having Crystal take care of my nutritional needs and cook for me has been a great gift as I battle cancer as I don’t have to worry about eating healthy or do any of the work.  She plans our menu, discusses it with me, modifies it to meet our choices if need be, shops for me, and creates our meals.  We have plenty of wonderful dishes in our refrigerator when we come home from a tiring and hectic day of doctor appointments and can sit down to a delicious meal.  All I have to do is choose from what she has prepared neatly arranged in our refrigerator, warm our meal, and eat.  Since my husband does not cook and I am unable to this has relieved so much stress in our lives. What a blessing!

Crystal is also very kind and has a very open, gentle approach and pleasant personality.  She is very easy to work with and very respectful to us and our needs.

I highly recommend Crystal to anyone who is considering her services.  She certainly has met and exceeded my expectations."

-Vivian G

"As a ridiculously busy household of two working parents with active kids, Crystal's services have allowed us to sit down to healthy meals as a family. We're eating well, saving money on wasted groceries, and enjoying INCREDIBLE FOOD. This is one of the best presents my husband and I have ever given to our family."

- Amy L.