
Why you should hit the reset button with a Detox


We are each born with different genetic capabilities for handling stress and toxins. I personally am quite a delicate flower. Genetically my body is more sensitive to stress, forms from the environment, food, and excess physical exertion. While others I know have a much higher threshold and don't seem to see dramatic effects a little further down the road.

However, we all have a weak link in our system. If we keep pulling at both ends it will break.


This "break" is the manifestation of different diseases and symptoms, such as depression, anxiety, hormonal issues, injuries, acne, excess weight, digestive disorders and autoimmune diseases.

Our goal is to not let ourselves get there, right?!


The things we put up with and put our body through seem to be endless, a lot of it is just a part of modern day living. Everyday though we can be exposed to stressful and violent news stories, dozens of skin products, prescription drugs, chemicals, tiring relationships, an endless list of responsibilities and moldy and toxic foods... the list can go on.

It is no wonder our bodies are getting sick!

It is important to give yourself a break and a proper reset to release these toxins and stress that build up and hold you back. This not only helps prevent disease and clear up symptoms, but it helps your body become more resilient to the daily stress you may not have control over.


Detoxing is an ongoing process, your colon, liver, lungs, kidneys, lymphatic system, the skin.. all of these organs work together to filter out the bad and keep yourself running properly. However today with all of those excess stressors and toxins your system, however incredible and miraculous, it can not keep up. When your body is overburdened, these toxins create inflammation, a congested and tired liver and excess mucous within your body. Chemicals, heavy metals, and toxic waste are often stored within the fatty tissues of your body (you know, all that fat you can't get rid of!?)


By detoxing with a safe, all-natural, whole foods approach you are able to gently release the toxins and reset on a deep cellular level. To put it simply, detoxing helps facilitate the removal of inflammation and toxins from your body.

It is not a "fast," which is consuming little to no nutrients or calories, but instead it is an eliminating of inflammatory foods and the bombardment of nutrients to the cells and organs with delicious whole foods. You don't have to be starving or take some irritating pill or marketed shake. But by simply following a specially structured meal plan you can power through your day, sleep better than ever, safely lose weight and reclaim your glow!


80% of your immune system is found in your gut. Diet imbalances and food sensitivities can lead to a whole host of problems and decline in health. A detox diet that is based on eliminating common inflammatory foods can help you finally identify what foods have been holding you back and create a sustainable diet that is right for YOU!

Taking part in a detox a few times a year finally allows you to tune into your body, reconnect and give yourself the love and care you DESERVE!


Please head over to my Zen Wellness Detox page to find out more about my fully-supported group detox program. It is a short and easy program with REAL and LASTING effects. Because it's time you stop carrying that extra burden, I know it is getting tiring!